The Hand Tie bouquet is a beautiful alternative for weddings and/or proms. Each flower stem is tightly bound into a dazzling and eye-catching bouquet. The sizes vary from "extra small, small, and large." The average size for a bride is usually the "small bouquet" (as dipicted in picture) and is usually an average diameter of 8-10 inches. This is your moment to be creative; design and customize your perfect bouquet. Choose from the drop-down order menu and/or write your specifications and questions on the last page of check-out. We will call you to get final details and correct pricing if necessary.Flowers depicted in this bouquet are: Pink Rose, Green Rose, Green Cymbidiums and Green Orchids.
Note: As of January 2009, we are agriculturally restricted from shipping roses from Hawaii to the US Mainland (Hawaiian outer-island okay.) Please indicate custom specifications during check out process. If nothing specified, we will create a bouquet as pictured. If this bouquet is for Mainland shipping, we will call your for a rose substitution. Ti leaf wrapping is not available for California and will be substituted with ribbon hand-tie.
Care: Keep in refrigerator and wrap bottom of stems with wet papertowels (or keep in water.)